
スタジオインストラクター(所属講師、認定講師)は『プライベートレッスン/セミプライベートレッスン/グループレッスン』に対応しています。さまざまなシーンで皆様のやる気とスキルアップのお手伝いをいたします!(scroll down for English)



  • 60分:¥8,000
  • 90分:¥12,000
  • 120分:¥15,000
  • 代表のHiromiEvaのみ金額が異なります、ご了承ください。



  • 60分:¥7,000 + 場所代 + 講師交通費
  • 90分:¥10,000+ 場所代 + 講師交通費
  • 代表のHiromiEvaのみ金額が異なります、ご了承ください。




  • 60分¥6,000
  • 90分:¥8,000
  • 120分:¥11,000


  • 60分:¥4,000
  • 90分:¥6,000
  • 120分:¥10,000


ご質問・ご予約希望がございましたら、お名前・ご連絡先(電話番号)を明記の上 ebds_info@yahoo.co.jp までお気軽にご連絡ください。スタッフ一同、心よりお待ちしております。

Hiromi, Ozma, and the assistant teachers at Eva Studio are now available for private lessons! private lessons are for those who want to focus on improving various skills, getting one on one feedback, and for those who do not have time for weekly lessons.

Private lessons at Eva studio in Matsudo(this price includes renting the studio space and the instructors travel fees):

  • 60 minutes: 8,000¥
  • 90 minutes: 12,000 ¥
  • 120 minutes: 15,000 ¥

Private lessons by Eva Studio instructors at other locations.

  • The instructor’s round-trip transportation fee (this will depend on the location but will start at 1000yen)
  • Reservation/rental of lesson location (it is the student’s obligation to find a rehearsal space, studio and to reserve and pay for it)
  • 60 minutes: 7,000¥ (plus aformentioned transport and rental)
  • 90 minutes: 10,000 ¥(plus aformentioned transport and rental)

We also provide semi-private lessons (reserved private lessons for more than one student) .

If interested in private or semi-private lessons, please email us at ebds_info@yahoo.co.jp so we can start helping you find what you want, work out a schedule, and help you broaden your dance skills. In your email, please include your name and a number we can reach you at. We’re excited to hear from you and will promise a prompt reply.